Who Am I?

My work background is mostly in customer service. I served tables for ten years before I got into computer work. I became an office temp to get by and get my foot in some doors. I’ve done systems support in both the private and public sectors, administration/reception work, went back to restaurant work as a cook, and then went back to office temping. I know – I’m all over the place.

My best job was my last one – an order desk clerk at a brewery/distillery. Fun place, great people, and free beer!  My worst job was my security guard/dog handler job. One time, I was on an assignment at an apartment complex in Toronto. I had a doberman with me and at one point, he saw a small animal and started to chase it. It was just like in the cartoons – I fell to the ground, held on to the leash and the stupid dog dragged me for about 30 feet on CONCRETE before stopping. I was hurting; people were around; nobody cared.

I watch way too much TV because it gets me out of my own head. Nothing helps me to cope with crap better than some dramatic show on Netflix. My brain slowly absorbs the crap as I watch, and after an episode or twelve, it’s all gone! Music also helps me to an extent, except sometimes when I’m listening to music, a heavy thought will come to mind and I have to pause what I’m listening to for a minute to just ponder. That wouldn’t happen with TV – It’s more of a full-service diversion.

I am an aspiring entrepreneur.  According to the definition, ‘aspiring’ has nothing to do with accomplishments.  It is all based on hopes and wishes.  Yes, that sounds like me in a nutshell.  I’ve spent my life full of ambitions and wishes with little success because I guess I forgot to take action. 

I have addictions:

  • List junky – so many lists (including this one)  that I need a table of contents to keep track of them,
  • Self-improvement junky – the books, the websites, the books, the courses, the books, there are too many books!
  • Sugar addict – If and when I get diabetes it’s going to be like quitting smoking all over again, except maybe I won’t be so nice,
  • TV junky – Not only do I watch the new shows, but I go back and rewatch some of the old ones for comfort -*cough*Buffy*,
  • Trivia junky – I’m a paid Sporcle subscriber and I think I’ve had every dumb trivia app on my phone at some point or another,
  • Boxes and journals junky – I collect fancy containers for my bookshelf and unique blank journals from thrift stores. 

I learned to play piano when I was young and still tinker today. The difference is I do what I want to do now. I don’t play for others and I don’t feel the need to finish any song if I don’t want to. It’s my meditation and I don’t apologize for not doing it “right”. It’s so freeing to take the pressure off of some things and to march to the beat of a different drum (so to speak).

I can name all 196 countries at https://www.vacations.info/games/countries. I have accomplished this within the 15 minute timer more than once, but unless I do it once a week, I turn the timer off. Gotta keep the melon sharp!

My husband tells me that I’m self-aware. I didn’t even know that until he told me. Irony’s funny that way. But it’s true – I know what I like, what I’m good at, what my limitations are, what I should and shouldn’t bother learning at this age. I know what my triggers are, when I should isolate, and when enough is enough. I’m very aware when I’m projecting onto others and when my fears are irrational. High self-awareness, it seems, doesn’t mean that I’m immune to a destructive mindset or habits; it only makes me aware of how screwed up I am. Sometimes I wish I was oblivious.

I am married with two grown kids. My husband is an electrical engineer and he and his parents and siblings are very close. He also has two grown kids and we became a blended family when all the kids were very young. 

What is Pink Bathrobe?

Firstly, we need a couple of definitions (my own, not from any dictionary that I know of)

  • Imperfect person – a regular person trying to get on in this world
  • Perfect person – an imperfect person in a very bad disguise

This blog is about being ok with not being perfect, and other topics related to living in an imperfect world. If you’re a perfect person and you can handle my grammar and punctuation (spelling should be ok), then I would love for you to stay and read. I will try not to be insulting as I know we are all raised by people who shape us into who we are. Let’s work together and shed the heavy pounds of that disguise.

Why the name? It’s casual, unapologetic, and it was available. I don’t imagine I would have many male readers even if it wasn’t all pink and I’m ok with that. But everyone is welcome nonetheless and I hope to get some good conversations going in the comments.

New posts will drop roughly once per week. That’s all imperfect-me can handle and I’m fine with that. This is all new for me and if I touch any nerves out there, please keep in mind that I’m going through this at the same time as you.

Look for future posts on the following topics:

  • Analysis Paralysis
  • Self-talk
  • Perfectionists at work
  • Motivation vs. Willpower
  • L-Theanine
  • Receiving visitors at home
  • Rule-follower or rebel?
  • Common stigmas
  • Seeing anxiety in your kids
  • Thinking “That’s what other people do”
  • Turning 50
  • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
  • Imposter Syndrome and adulting
  • Hygge, Zen
  • Regrets
  • Much, much, more!

Thank you and please come back! This won’t be depressing, I promise.